When Olivetti Invented the PC. 28 May: “Who invented the world’s first PC? Olivetti. Thirteen years before Steve Jobs!”

Locandina_101_light28 May: “Who invented the world’s first PC? Olivetti. Thirteen years before Steve Jobs!” Bra Servizi and the Typewriter Museum, in collaboration with the “Friends of Museums”, Bra, and the Association of Italian Typewriter and calculating machine Collectors, will show the documentary “When Olivetti Invented the PC”, the story of how the “Programma 101” was created. Gastone Garziera, one of the inventors of the world’s first personal computer will be with us to share some of his anecdotes about this incredible invention. 4pm, Corso Monviso 25, Bra. This is an unrepeatable event not to be missed.

The event is free but it is necessary to book.
To book please phone Laura Zavattaro on 0172 412507 or send an email to l.zavattaro@braservizi.com