Bra Servizi renews the LEGALITY RATING and maintains its three “stars” ★★★ ★★★
Always committed to improving performance, Bra Servizi “measures and documents” its commitment to ethics and legality. It has obtained a Legality Rating of three stars ★★★ from the Italian Competition Authority (AGCM).
What is the Legality Rating?: It is a tool aimed at promoting and introducing principles and ethical behavior in the company, using a recognised star system.
How is it measured? By meeting the minimum requirements one star is awarded. The score increases with the voluntary improvement of the4 performance of legality, sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
The maximum achievable score is three stars.
What is assessed: The Italian Competition Authority (AGCM) evaluates a series of legal, ethical and quality requirements. These include the absence of preventive and/or precautionary measures and criminal records against directors, shareholders and managers; the absence of convictions for antitrust and/or environmental offenses relating to D.231/01; the absence of violations in the field of remuneration, contributions, insurance and tax; health and safety in the workplace and anti-money laundering compliance-
The Legality Rating was renewed on 5th October 2021. Bra Servizi maintained its score of three stars ★★★.
How it can be checked: from October 2017 onwards, thanks to the agreement between Infocamere and AGCM, the inspections extracted from the Business Register contain the Legality Rating issued to companies that have passed the inspection of the Guarantor Authority. The Legality Rating is certified by inclusion in the appropriate list of the Antitrust Authority ( For each company in possession of a Rating, the score obtained is indicated.